
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Busy Time of Year!

I'm definitely planning on posting more than once per week once I get this blog up and going, but that may not be until I'm done with classes in a couple of weeks. The next month is going to be so ridiculously busy, I'll have even less free time than usual. Here's just a glimpse at what I have going on:
  • I have one week of classes left, and then finals! During this week of classes, I have a quiz in Auditory Rehabilitation, a test in Language & Learning Disorders, a test in Diagnostics, and my Diagnostics resource manual (a semester long project) is due. After I make it through the last week of classes, I have to study for my finals, which are all comprehensive. Lucky me- I have 3 of them on the same day!
  • Paddy's evaluation from the school system is coming up on May 9. I'm really not looking forward to his transition from EI because I'm so close to his therapists now, but hopefully we'll have a good relationship with the school too. I have several goals that I'll be working with him on for more intensive therapy this summer, but that deserves it's own post.
  • Next weekend we'll be going out of town to attend a surprise birthday party for my husband's grandmother. We haven't seen most of his family since Paddy was born, so it'll be nice for the boys to get to meet everyone.
  • Payton (my step-daughter) turns 15 this month & gets her driving permit. I am so not ready for that!
  • My brother's 18th birthday and high school graduation are this month. I can't believe he'll be going off to college in the fall!
  • Oh yeah, and my 30th (!) birthday is the 26th. I am definitely not ready for this one. I'm hoping that maybe Robert and I will be able to go out for the night because we haven't had a date night in FOREVER, and some grown-up time would be nice.
I know I have very little content up at this time, but I'm planning to devote more time to the blog very soon. Thanks for stopping by!

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